If you want to inform the council or request anything from the council, please contact the clerk by email: clerk@tideswellparishcouncil.co.uk
The Parish Council holds a meeting once a month at the Currently these are being held at Tideswell St John's Institute in the upstairs room.
The meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of each month.
The TPC and You button here is a document which gives a little more information on the work of the Council.
Parish Council Office is at Tideswell Sports Complex
As there is no postbox please send all post to Mawstone Farm, Mawstone Lane, Youlgreave DE45 1LZ
TEL: 07738076902
Email: clerk@tideswellparishcouncil.co.uk
Parish Clerk is Hannah Owen
Welcome to Tideswell Parish Council Website
You can contact the Clerk, who will be happy to answer any questions, by emailing clerk@tideswellparishcouncil.co.uk
Our end of year financial statement is available to view here now.
We will update this website with all information and decisions from the Parish Council. Meeting minutes and Agendas will be available to be viewed online.